Carol J. Stern
Chief Executive Officer
Carol Stern
Chief Executive Officer, RN, BSN, MBA
Ms. Stern holds a Masters in Business Administration (with an emphasis in Strategic Planning/Implementation and Marketing) from the University of Southern California (USC), and a Bachelors of Science in Nursing from the University of California at Los Angeles (UCLA).
Ms. Stern is Part Time Faculty for the Health and Human Services Department at California State University, Northridge (CSUN) and University of Phoenix (UOP) in Leadership, Business Strategy and Development, Communications and Marketing.
For over thirty years, Ms. Stern has consulted in the areas of Marketing of Services, Human Resource Management/Development, Strategic Planning/Development and Team Building. She has been involved in Nursing, Acute Care and Managed Care Administration for the past twenty-eight years, working with Health Maintenance Organizations (HMOs), Physician Provider Groups, Self-insured Companies, Insurance Companies, International Benefits Consulting Firms, and National and Local Professional Organizations.
Ms. Stern currently serves as Chair for the Association of California Nurse Leaders (ACNL) of the Member Experience Committee. She works tirelessly with a very capable committee, subcommittees and co-chairs to Recruit and Retain ACNL Membership, while defining value for California Nurse Leaders.
Ms. Stern is a nationally known speaker in the areas of Human Resource Management, Marketing, and Conflict Resolution/Communications. She has authored a book and articles, and has presented in numerous poster sessions for professional organizations, both locally and nationally.
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